
庄司竜郎の活動は、構成(基礎造形)の研究を行う“事象”とデザインワークを提供する“STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI”、そして独自プロダクトの製造販売を行う“COMPOSITIONS”の3つから成り立っています。


対して、“STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI”の活動は、社会にある様々な要望や課題に対して、デザインの手法を駆使して最適解を提供していくものです。形のない概念の形成・プランニングからグラフィックデザイン・空間体験まで領域横断的に設計し、統合的な視点で最適解を提案・実現していきます。

この2つの活動は、科学分野で使われる「基礎研究(=事象)」と「応用研究(=STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI)」と言う語に置き換えることができ、相補的な関係にあります。このように非目的的/目的的な活動を並行して行うことで、ミクロ・マクロのスケールを行き来する多角的な視点で物事を捉え、オルタナティブな価値をかたちにしていきます。



Tatsuro Shoji's activities consist of “Jisho,” which conducts research on composition (Basic Design and Art), “STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI,” which provides design work, and “COMPOSITIONS,” which manufactures and sells original products.

The “Jisho” research in the field of composition (Basic Design and Art) is a research field that attempts to develop new forms of expression by exploring the basic principles and universality of modeling as its subject matter. Based on the concept of Art an d Design Science, this field of study explores the essential principles, functions, and possibilities of objects through contemplation using a variety of methods from a unique perspective that emphasizes the development process of research itself, from the emergence of interest.

In contrast, the activities of “STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI” are to provide optimal solutions to various demands and issues in society by making full use of design methods. From the formation and planning of formless concepts to graphic design and spatial experie nce, we work across disciplines to propose and realize optimal solutions from an integrated perspective.

These two activities are complementary and can be replaced by the terms “basic research (=Jisho)” and “applied research (=STUDIO TATSURO SHOJI)” used in the scientific field. By conducting non-objective/objective activities in parallel in this way, we will perceive things from multiple perspectives, moving back and forth between micr o and macro scales, and give form to alternative values.

Finally, the third activity, “COMPOSITIONS,” is a sales channel for by-products of our research and limited edition products created from our unique perspective. It is not a solution to a problem that already exists, but rather a window through which proposals rooted in a subjective sense and poin t of view can be directly passed on to others.

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